#Bachelor Thesis #Thesis

Analysis and Electrical Characterisation of Vertical Nanowire Trench Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Barrier Schottky Rectifiers

Hey there! Are you curious to know what module 12 - the Bachelor thesis - entails? Keep on reading! My name is Maarten and I will tell you all about how I battled my way through the last eleven weeks of my Bachelor. If you do not yet know me, you can flip back to the start of this Vonk and read all about me and my fellow board members! I have worked on my thesis called “Analysis and Electrical Characterisation of Vertical Nanowire Trench Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Barrier Schottky Rectifiers” at Integrated Devices and Systems (IDS). ...

#Junction #Interview

Junction: A chat with Nesar Moshtaq

The students of Electrical Engineering can prize themselves lucky, since they have not one, but two study advisors! Kirsten Voncken is responsible for bachelor students in EE as well as master students in EE and Embedded systems, but we can assume you know her from the Vonk junction in Edition 3 from 2017. If not, then another interesting junction is waiting for you. The other study adviser, Nesar Moshtaq, has not been properly introduced in the Vonk yet. ...

#Master Thesis #BSS #Thesis #Parkinson

Action selection in Parkinson’s disease and the effect of (closed-loop) DBS

Parkinson’s disease is a well-known neurodegenerative disease in the aging society, that is mainly recognized by the problems of shaking (tremor) and rigidity. Besides these common symptoms, patients may also suffer from cognitive malfunction and slowness of movement, which may become visible in some clinical experiments like the Go/No-Go tasks. These tasks consist of two types of stimuli that are presented to the subject, one indicating that the subject has to respond to the stimulus and the other one saying that the subject has to withhold the response. ...

#Scintilla #Internship #Afterlife

Afterlife: Tobias Feijten

Let’s start of a little philosophical: where does time go when it passes? Of course it goes in the past, but it seems that it doesn’t always get in our memories in a linear fashion. It seems like a couple of weeks ago when I was working on my graduation assignment, attending almost all of Scintilla’s activities and doing many helpful things at Scintilla. However, I’ve been working already over one and a half year (and scarcely present at Scintilla gatherings), and as such, many things happened. ...

#Bachelor Thesis #Sensor #Thesis

Modelling and characterisation of a pressure sensor implemented in surface channel technology

One of the easiest pressure sensors to design is a resistive pressure sensor. A structure under pressure changes in geometry which causes the resistance of the structure to change. This change in resistance can be measured with an electronic readout circuit. But, how does this sensor precisely work? In my bachelor assignment I made a theoretical model of the working principal of a resistive pressure sensor. It all starts with taking a trip into the domain of a mechanical engineer. ...


Robust motion control

My Phd research has started almost three years ago. These years have been rich in lessons and experiences. In this article I give an overview on these three years. I will show some of my research lines and some of the results of this research, but first, it is time for some introductions. I started as a PhD student at the Robotics and Mechatronics group (RAM) in September 2017. Fresh from my master in Electrical Engineering, which I finished at the same group. ...