#Feynman #Icons of EE #Module 4

Icons of EE: Richard Feynman

After following module 4, you probably wondered, “why is there an image of Feynman playing the drum on page one?” Well, you’re in good company, he didn’t get it either. Richard Feynman was, however, an avid drummer. He was also a safe cracker, a nude model painter and a world-renowned lecturer. Oh, and he also won a Nobel Prize in physics, but, considering his personal life, one could argue that’s not his biggest achievement. ...

#elfbierentocht #activity #on location #datasheet

The Elfbierentocht

The yearly tour for the real student. Beer everywhere, tropical temperatures, huge amount of fun and ofcourse a medal. Hundreds of students go from pub to pub at the campus in the so called Elfbierentocht. Together with travel companions Sjoerd, Lisanne and Lonneke we go on this adventure, rate all the pubs and give advice to the reader. First of all, I will explain how the Elfbierentocht works. On your personal ticket there are 11 boxes, which will be ripped for beer. ...

#eating contest #activity #on location

A Word with the Eating Contest Winner

What started as a fun idea a few years back has grown out to become an annual contest with participants from all outreaches. In fact, this year’s winner does not even study Electrical Engineering! Being an editorial member of the Vonk provides many advantages and can create great opportunities. As such, I got the opportunity to meet up with, and ask questions to, the winner of the 3rd annual eating contest: Cas Sitvast! ...

#project #wireless speaker #education

D-I-Y Module 11

Almost at the end of the bachelor module 11 commences. During this module everything is based around one big project designing a Bluetooth/wireless speaker. What, how, and why is completely up to you. Two groups had the chance to write something about their experience with module 11. Guus Frijters My group and I (group 4D) had brainstorm sessions in order to figure out what the best speaker was to get the highest grade but which also would be fun to design. ...

#educational award #education #committee #Scintilla

Electrical Extravaganza

Have you ever wondered why you study electrical engineering? You might have thought about it for your whole life, just before you started, or not at all, and just picked a study with a high salary. Is it because you wanted to explain lightning, build the newest sound system and/or follow in the footsteps of Rowan Atkinson, a.k.a. Mr. Bean? Anyway, I just wanted more of the adrenaline rush I got from working with electrical systems. ...

#education #faculty council


My name is Maarten Bonnema and since the start of this academic year I had the honour to become the chairman of Scintilla’s Taskforce for University Developments and Improvements (STUDI), Scintilla’s education committee. For seventeen years the committee was called StOEL, but due to internationalisation and recognisability of the committee we decided to change it. Although I am pleased with the new logo and acronym (and full name), the old logo (a spider in a web) had some strong symbolic meaning. ...